May 2022, Hi folk we are expanding and so are hiring log peelers and log builders (whom we can train)…

Nov 2021, Hi folk, just a quick note, Another sucessful assembly in Masterton, the very place where I first taught…

2022 Log home construction course is coming Starts March 21,

Hi All, I hope you are well and managing this weird time ok, At Natural log homes the log builders…

Second BYO is all go. Yes the second BYO “Built your own” log home is under way, at Natural log…

Brand New Website!

Hi Folk, Welcome to Natural log homes new web site, Graeme here I am editing the site now, I am…

2020 Log Building Course

March 9. 2020 – March 26. 2020. Log Builders’ Association of New Zealand and Natural Log Homes have a long…


Would you like to meet Graeme personally and talk to him about your loghome project? NLH is going to have…

Western Red Cedar – Log Home

NLH is happy to announce that we can supply handcrafted Western Red Cedar log homes, using 200 years old trees.…


Over the last few years we have been involed with work on a few Earthship homes. This construction is surely…

Wood ideal material for rebuild

Preliminary Structural Essessment of a log home after Christchurch earthquake – by Batchelar & McDougall Consulting, Structural & Civil Engineers,…

Fire Resistance of Log Homes

Fire Resistance of Log Homes – by Dalibor Houdek PhD, 2001 The following article is about scientific testing done on…

May 2021, another fantastic Log home assembly completed this time ontop of Pine Hill Dunedin, an awesome mono pitch roof will give this home the ultra modern log home look. great design work Rebecca and Martin, and a crdit to Architect jess Paterson. The View Looking down over all of Dunedin is stunning.

Hi ALL, welcome to 2021, a large and full year for NLH, already 3 domestic builds in the pipe line, our arcitects are working flat out, so please be patient, Another small Air B and B constructed for Twiel just before Xmas see “Tiny homes”, Another log home building course is schedualed for March 2021, and staff numbers are increasing to help satisfy the work load. We will also be present at the Wanaka A and P show this year with our NLH stand, sorry not at the Thar show in Taupo this year,

Cheers Graeme

Hi Team , just back from another successful Log home assembly this time in Lower Hutt , a site with amazing views, and surrounded in Native bush,

Also last week a crew of us traveled deep into the Clarence river area to re instate a slightly  tweeked by the Kaikoura earthquake log home, the worst case was one door way out 20mm which was great considering the conventional home about 1 km away was 1m off its foundations , with some jacks rams straps and props we straightened all walls so the builder could add nice new joinery.

HOT item, Small log cabin, Office, Studio, sleep out, bunk room, hunting fishing cabin,  one tiny cabin for sale now under 10 sq meters so no building consent required, Contact Graeme by phone or email,
